Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Moldova’s IPRI score increased by 0.529 to 4.72 placing it 16th in the Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia region and 70th in the world. Moldova is classified by the IMF as part of the Emerging and Developing Europe group and by the World Bank as Upper middle income country.
Moldova’s Legal and Political Subindex increased by 0.539 to 4.172 with scores of 3.563 in Judicial Independence, 4.336 in Rule of Law, 4.683 in Political Stability, and 4.104 in Control of Corruption.
Moldova’s Physical Property Rights Subindex decreased by -0.031 to 4.456 with scores of 4.809 in perception of Property Rights Protection, 4.178 in Registering Process, and 4.381 in Access to Financing.
Moldova’s Intellectual Property Rights Subindex increased by 1.078 to 5.531 with scores of 4.711 in perception of Intellectual Property Protection, 4.933 in Patent Protection, data wasn't available to measure Copyright Protection, and 6.95 in Trademark Protection.
Moldova is a member of the following regional integration agreements
Moldova - IPRI Overall Score
Moldova - IPRI Overall Score
- 1: IPRI
- 2: Legal and Political Subindex
- 3. Judicial Independence
- 4. Rule of Law
- 5. Control of Corruption
- 6. Political Stability
- 7. Physical Property Rights Subindex
- 8. Property Rights Protection
- 9. Registering Property
- 10. Ease of Access to Loans
- 11. Intellectual Property Rights Subindex
- 12. Intellectual Property Rights
- 13. Patent Protection
- 14. Copyright Protection
- 15. Trademark Protection